Friday, December 20, 2013

The Nightmagic Legacy - Chapter 2: Sophie

The day of the festival arrived.  I called Sophie to see if she wanted to meet up at the festival grounds.

"I'm sorry, Duncan.  My mother wouldn't approve of us being together."

I didn't know what to say.  I didn't even know what exactly was going on.

"I don't know how it works where you're from, but here in Dragon Valley, the parents have to sanction relationships.  I'm sorry.  I really am."

An hour or so later, I got my mail.  There was a letter from Dampe:

   Enjoy the festival!  You don't have to come into work today.

Enjoying the festival is exactly what I did.

After the festival, I decided to go to the gym.

When I went to school the next day, I tried to forget about what happened with Sophie before the festival.  But it was still on my mind.

The next day was a Saturday, so I didn't have school.  At least that was the same.  But the old TV in the house was broken, so I had to do what I could to fix it.

I did, however, have work.  Work was the same as always.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Nightmagic Legacy - Chapter 1 Gameplay Footage

Something I'm going to be doing with the Nightmagics that I didn't do with the Darkdusks is put my gameplay on YouTube after writing the chapters.  With that, here's the gameplay for chapter 1, including creating Duncan and building the house.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Nightmagic Legacy - Chapter 1: 81 Claddagh Court

As I entered the graveyard (fresh air, at last!) I heard a voice calling out.  It definitely wasn't one of the vampires; I knew those voices too well.  I looked towards the voice and saw an old man tending the graveyard.

"Hey, kid!  What are you doing there?"

"Are they still following me?"


"The vampires!"

"Don't be silly, kid!  There's a ward that keeps this town vampire-free!  Come to think of it, I haven't seen you around.  I'm Dampe."

"I'm Duncan.  Where am I, exactly?  I need to get home!"

"You're in Dragon Valley, kid.  Far west of SimNation.  And I doubt there would be any 'home' for you to go back to.  Most of SimNation's now a vampire-filled mess."

I realized the town I once knew was gone.  And my face showed it.

"Is there any place I can stay?  Being here in this town would be better than out there with the vampires."

"Sure, kid.  There's an old abandoned house at 81 Claddagh Court.  No one's lived there for decades.  I doubt anyone would mind if you stayed there."

"Thanks, Dampe!"

"No problem, kid.  By the way, if you need some money, come by here tomorrow.  I could use a helper here at the graveyard."

I walked across town to the address that Dampe had mentioned and found the abandoned house.  It was old, all right.  Old and a complete mess.  At least it was better than that vampire cave.

Man, it was nice to sleep in a real bed.

The next day, I went to the school to register as a student.  They immediately had a class for me to join!  I got to meet some of the other students, but I was mostly focused on my studies and my job at the graveyard.  One of my classmates was a really hot girl...her name was Sophie.

Two days after I joined the class, the teacher told us that there would be no class the next day because of a festival.  That festival could be the perfect chance to get to know Sophie!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Nightmagic Legacy - Prologue: Freedom

It all started with the war.

I still don't know why the vampires of Moonlight Falls attacked SimNation.  But they did.  And town after town fell to their murderous rampage.

My hometown of Appaloosa Plains was one of the towns that fell.  My parents were fighting in the war when it fell, leaving me in the care of the local school - the local school that was one of the first places to be attacked.  The vampires rounded up the students and shipped us off to a cavern lair - to be used as slaves and food.

I'm Duncan Nightmagic, and this is my story.

Five years.  That's how long I spent in that cavernous hell, waiting for a chance to escape.  I was traded from vampire to vampire like a piece of meat.  Eventually, however, I saw an opportunity and made a break for it.  I ran through the caverns, taking every uphill turn I could, coming out into a graveyard - but not the Appaloosa Plains graveyard!  Where was I?  And more importantly, were the vampires giving chase?

New Legacy!

File corruption may have cut the Darkdusk Legacy short, but that doesn't mean I'm stopping the Random Legacy Challenge!  I'm going to start over with a new legacy in a new world.  Also, I wrote the Darkdusks in the third person, but I'm going to be writing the new legacy in the first person.  Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy what I write in the future!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Realm of Dusk - The Darkdusk Legacy - Chapter 10: Catastrophe

In the Realm of Night...

Desirae: "Do it now!  Destroy the upstarts!"
Roberto: "But it could destroy us as well..."
Desirae: "I said do it!"

Back in the Realm of Dusk...

The Darkdusk household adapts to the newest addition.  Maria is glad to have another "sister;" Kelly and Cyrus see Cari's daughter as nothing more than a means to an end.  Kelly notices that the household is running low on food, so she goes to rob the grocery store.

As Kelly exits the house, she notices that it is even hotter than before.  As she goes to the store, she looks up to see something weird in the sky.  It looks just like the Realm of Night, and it's getting bigger!  When she gets to the store, she gets a phone call from Cari.

Cari: "They're insane!"
Kelly: "What?"
Cari: "Didn't you see the Realm of Night in the sky?  They're trying to merge it with the Realm of Dusk!  That's why it was deteriorating!"
Kelly: "Desirae wants to take over both Realms!"
Cari: "But she and her cronies will end up DESTROYING both Realms!"
Kelly: "Isn't there anything we can do to stop them?"
Cari: "Not at this point...all we can do is ride out the storm.  Gather your family - and my daughter - and meet me at my house!"

Kelly steals a few plasma fruit, runs back home, and tells the household what is going on.  They pile into a taxi and drive to Cari's house.

When they get there, Cari is standing outside.  She calls everyone in, locks the door, boards up the windows, and says that it should hold.

It doesn't.

When the Realm of Night impacts the Realm of Dusk, the house collapses from the sheer energy released by the merge.  Indeed, all the buildings in both Realms - including Sorenson Castle - collapse.

When the dust settles, the merged Realm is a wasteland.  Kelly, Cyrus, Maria, Maya, Cari and her daughter, Desirae, and Roberto are just eight of the millions of people killed by Desirae's all-consuming desire for power.

The End of Realm of Dusk

It's unfortunate that I have to say this, but I'm going to be ending Realm of Dusk after Chapter 10.  The deterioration of the Realm of Night in Chapter 9 wasn't me Photoshopping the screenshots.  It was file corruption.  And because I didn't realize what it was in time (I thought it was my game lagging), I don't have any backups from before the corruption.  Thus, I don't have a working file to play the Darkdusks.

This also means that there will be no pictures for Chapter 10.

I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice; I've had as fun a time writing the Darkdusks as you have had reading about them.  But it is unfortunately time to leave Kelly and Cyrus.  I will be starting another challenge in another world on this blog after I tie up the loose ends with the Darkdusks.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Realm of Dusk - The Darkdusk Legacy - Chapter 9: Sorenson's Fall

Kelly starts to teach Maya the ways of the Vampire.  Maya is a quick learner.

The next day, Kelly and Cari get ready to cross over to the Realm of Night.

Cari: “It’s time to end the Sorenson threat once and for all!”

And, with Cari’s expertise, they cross over safely.  The two land near a house in a dark corner of the Realm of Night.

Kelly: “We made it…”
Cari: “Something’s not right, though.  The Realm is deteriorating.”
Kelly: “We’ll worry about that later.  Let’s find Donna and your son.”

As the duo travel closer and closer to the Sorenson mansion, the signs of the Realm’s deterioration get worse and worse.  Finally they make it there, to be greeted by a young Human man.

???: “Mother?  Is that you?”
Cari: “Yes, it’s me.  I’ve come to get you out of here.”
Cari’s son: “That’s not going to be easy.  Once the Sorensons see I’m gone…”

Before he can finish the sentence, Donna Sorenson comes out to see what’s going on.

Donna: “Kelly Sorenson.  How nice of you to return.  Please, come in.”
Kelly: “I think I will.”

Within seconds, Donna Sorenson is dead.

Desirae: “Dear sister, thank you so much for aiding me in my ascension.  Allow me to repay you.”
Cari (whispering to Kelly): “Quick...let’s find him and leave!”
Kelly (whispering to Cari): “Right!”

Cari: “We’re too late.  I can sense it…he’s…dead.”
Kelly: “We’d better get out of here!  Desirae will kill us next!”

And they did indeed leave the Sorenson mansion, crossing immediately back to the Realm of Dusk.

Cari: “I can’t believe she did that…”
Kelly: “Desirae is never without a plan.  I’ve spent enough time around her to know that.”
Cari: “I’m more concerned about the state of the Realm of Night.  I need to do some research on why it’s that way.  I might be making a huge mistake by asking this of you, but I have no other choice.  Could you take care of my daughter while I find out what’s going on?”
Kelly: “Sure.”  Now I have a way to control her…

What is Desirae’s plan?  Why is the Realm of Night falling apart?  And is Cari making a mistake by trusting Kelly?  Find out next time on Realm of Dusk!

Realm of Dusk is coming back!

Hello everyone.  PSDuckie here.

I know I pretty much disappeared from this blog after writing Chapter 8 of the Darkdusk legacy.  I just got burned out when it came to writing about Kelly and Cyrus.  That said, I have been thinking about new situations to put them in during the months I have been away, and as such, I will be releasing Chapter 9 soon!

I would write more, but I have to work on making Chapter 9.  Thank you for reading!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Realm of Dusk - The Darkdusk Legacy - Chapter 8: The Sorenson Agent Revealed

Maria climbs up the ladder and sees something new across from Maya’s crib – the crib that until today had been hers.  The new toy oven is for her, and the young Vampire can’t believe it!

Meanwhile, Kelly goes outside, leaving Cyrus to care for Maria and Maya.  As soon as she steps out the door, she feels the oppressing heat.  Even in an air-conditioned taxi, the heat is stifling!  She asks the taxi driver to take her to the fire station, but she’s really headed to the park next to the fire station – where she has a gut feeling the Sorenson agent is.  As the taxi gets closer and closer to the fire station, the air gets hotter and hotter, until it feels like Kelly’s skin will burn off once she reaches the park.  There, she finds the stone that is radiating the heat into the air!

Kelly: Now to destroy it!
???: “So you’ve come.”
Kelly: “Who’s there?”

A distinctive-looking Human woman steps out from behind the stone.  Even though Kelly has never seen the woman in person, she knows exactly who she was talking to.  This is the woman who stole aspirin and laundry detergent from the grocery store – the Sorenson agent!

???: “Greetings, Kelly Darkdusk.  My name is Cari Geron, and…”
Kelly: “And you work for my mother.”
Cari: “Yes, but only under duress.  The Sorensons have kidnapped my son, and I would like to…end…my working relationship with them.”
Kelly: “And how do I know this isn’t a trap?”
Cari: “We both want Donna Sorenson gone.”
Kelly: I’m still unconvinced, but if I kill Donna and kidnap this woman’s son, she’ll be working for me instead of my family!
Kelly: “Deal.”

Kelly returns home and realizes that she’s running low on plasma fruit.  This calls for one thing – a trip to the grocery store!  She quickly robs the store.  While she’s doing so, Cyrus starts teaching Maya the ways of the Vampire.

Pretty soon it’s Cyrus’ turn to rob the grocery store, but while he’s on the way to the store, Daydream Ivy calls to ask him on a date.  He turns her down and makes a note to tell Kelly about it.  Then he proceeds to rob the store – or rather, use his celebrity status to get free plasma fruit.

The next morning, Maria decides she wants something different from the usual plasma juice or fruit for breakfast.
Maria: While Mother’s asleep, I’ll steal this cake from the refrigerator!

She doesn’t wake Kelly up; Maya takes care of that for her.  But by the time Kelly is awake, all of the evidence that Maria had eaten any cake is gone!  Well, except the fact that there is less cake in the refrigerator.  Buy Kelly is too busy taking care of Maya to notice what Maria has done.

Noticing that there is a Human school bus waiting for Maria, Cyrus takes a bit of time to tell her about school.
Cyrus: “Remember, you’re a Darkdusk.  You’re superior to everyone else in this town.  And don’t let the Humans at the school tell you otherwise.”
Maria: “Got it!”

And Maria goes off to her first day of school.
Maria: This looks like a lot of fun!  I wonder who all these people are…
???: “Hello class.  I’m Mr. Van Gould, and I will be your teacher.”
Class: “Hello, Mr. Van Gould.”
Maria: He’s a Vampire…just like me.

Cyrus gets a call from the science lab.  Apparently, some of the scientists have been reading the tabloids and have read about the times where people had died near The Great Darkness.  They offer Cyrus the opportunity to test their new Ghost-O-Matic machine.
Cyrus: “Should I take it?”
Kelly: “Do it.”  This fits perfectly into my plans.

After a performance, Cyrus comes home just in time for Maya’s development ceremony!  The ceremony goes off without a hitch.