In the Realm of Night...
Desirae: "Do it now! Destroy the upstarts!"
Roberto: "But it could destroy us as well..."
Desirae: "I said do it!"
Back in the Realm of Dusk...
The Darkdusk household adapts to the newest addition. Maria is glad to have another "sister;" Kelly and Cyrus see Cari's daughter as nothing more than a means to an end. Kelly notices that the household is running low on food, so she goes to rob the grocery store.
As Kelly exits the house, she notices that it is even hotter than before. As she goes to the store, she looks up to see something weird in the sky. It looks just like the Realm of Night, and it's getting bigger! When she gets to the store, she gets a phone call from Cari.
Cari: "They're insane!"
Kelly: "What?"
Cari: "Didn't you see the Realm of Night in the sky? They're trying to merge it with the Realm of Dusk! That's why it was deteriorating!"
Kelly: "Desirae wants to take over both Realms!"
Cari: "But she and her cronies will end up DESTROYING both Realms!"
Kelly: "Isn't there anything we can do to stop them?"
Cari: "Not at this point...all we can do is ride out the storm. Gather your family - and my daughter - and meet me at my house!"
Kelly steals a few plasma fruit, runs back home, and tells the household what is going on. They pile into a taxi and drive to Cari's house.
When they get there, Cari is standing outside. She calls everyone in, locks the door, boards up the windows, and says that it should hold.
It doesn't.
When the Realm of Night impacts the Realm of Dusk, the house collapses from the sheer energy released by the merge. Indeed, all the buildings in both Realms - including Sorenson Castle - collapse.
When the dust settles, the merged Realm is a wasteland. Kelly, Cyrus, Maria, Maya, Cari and her daughter, Desirae, and Roberto are just eight of the millions of people killed by Desirae's all-consuming desire for power.
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